Our Pledge
Knowing and seeking God is the foundation of everything we do at Kardia
Our Philosophy of Christian Education

Our Philosophy of Christian Education
Human beings are spiritual beings created by God in His image. However, in a broken and fallen world, we are cut off initially from an everlasting relationship with Him. He provided the way to restore our relationship by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, as our Savior. Of all things we learn in this life, this is by far the most important God has intended for us to learn this through the first and best place of learning – the family.
As a result, Kardia Christian Academy understands it is important to partner with parents (families) to help teach children the lessons of life that will give them life eternal and life abundant. Knowing the love of God is by far the most important lesson, God still wants us to grow in wisdom and virtue, and knowledge and skills, to live this life in abundance of joy. Therefore, Kardia Christian Academy seeks to provide a school where all knowledge and learning are done with the recognition that God really exists and calls us according to His purpose. Education is Christian education and all subjects must be taught in the light of the God who created, sustains, and directs our world.
The staff at Kardia strives to provide an environment of learning that supports the Christian values the children should be experiencing at home. Children must be physically, emotionally, and spiritually safe. In addition, we believe that learning can be fun when introduced in interesting, challenging, multi-sensory lessons, and our teachers consider you, as the parent/guardian a part of our team. Our teachers embody Christian values; honor each child as an individual while implementing a comprehensive academic program including language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. Our students grow in confidence and self-assurance as teachers display and celebrate work, applaud performance, and encourage classroom participation. We believe that children can best acquire a rich body of knowledge and the skills needed for future learning through a curriculum that is imaginative, developmentally appropriate, and continuously developing. We want to provide our students with a well-rounded education while developing their social skills, teaching basic virtues, and increasing their understanding with higher-level thinking skills to live successfully.
The congregation of Windwood Church, recognizing the critical importance of elementary childhood education, will continue ministering to this community through Kardia Christian Academy. We will strive to provide every child an opportunity to grow in all areas of life, spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, socially, and physically.
Our Faith Statement
We affirm…
… the LORD our God, the LORD is one. The one true God exists in three distinct Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in one essential being, without confusion. The Lord our God is the One who was, who is, and who is to come, the Almighty.
… the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as the inspired Word of God, the authoritative, and infallible rule of our faith and practice.
… the historic actuality of the virgin birth of our Lord Jesus Christ and His divine/human nature.
… the historic actuality of the miracles of our Lord Jesus Christ as conveyed to us in the pages of Holy Scripture.
… that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ were both necessary and sufficient for atoning for our sins and to provide us the only way of salvation and life eternal.
… the historic actuality of the bodily resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ and His coming again. We believe these to be the historic understandings of the Christian Faith, embraced by believers throughout the centuries, and expressed faithfully in the Nicene and Apostle’s Creeds.